The 15th Happenings: September News


Launch Days

The Fix Truest Burn Girl A 52-Hertz Whale Jillian Cade (Fake) Paranormal Investigator

1st: THE FIX by Natasha Sinel
1st: TRUEST by Jackie Lea Sommers
1st: BURN GIRL by Mandy Mikulencak
1st: A 52 -HERTZ WHALE by Natalie Tilghman and Bill Sommer

Dream Things True The Next Together Exit Stage Left The Dead House The Weight of Feathers

1st: DREAM THINGS TRUE by Marie Marquardt
3rd: THE NEXT TOGETHER by Lauren James
8th: EXIT STAGE LEFT by Gail Nall
15th: THE DEAD HOUSE by Dawn Kurtagich
15th: THE WEIGHT OF FEATHERS by Anna-Marie McLemore

Lock & Mori The Unquiet I Am Drums Secrets of the Dragon Tomb Dead Boy

15th: LOCK & MORI by Heather Petty
22nd: THE UNQUIET by Mikaela Everett
22nd: I AM DRUMS by Mike Grosso
22nd: SECRETS OF THE DRAGON TOMB by Patrick Samphire
29th: DEAD BOY by Laurel Gale

Susan Adrian sold her debut middle-grade, NUTCRACKED, to Random House for publication in Fall 2017!

Michelle H. Nagler and Jenna Lettice at Random House have aquired Susan Adrian’s NUTCRACKED, about a girl cast as the lead in the Nutcracker ballet, who is transported to a magical world every time she dances with an antique Nutcracker. Publication is set for fall 2017; Kate Schafer Testerman at KT Literary brokered the deal for world rights.

Fonda Lee sold her next YA science fiction novel to Scholastic for publication in spring 2017!

Jody Corbett at Scholastic has bought Fonda Lee’s untitled YA novel about a bio-enhanced teen soldier who must struggle for his freedom and the safety of the planet when he is taken hostage by an extremist group intent on overthrowing alien governance of Earth. Publication is set for spring 2017; Jim McCarthy at Dystel & Goderich Literary Management negotiated the deal for world rights.

Of Interest

Cindy L. Rodriguez’s WHEN REASON BREAKS was featured in “Under the Covers,” a blog for the Hartford Public Library! And on Des Colores: The Raza Experience in Books for Children.

Randy Ribay has an awesome infinite playlist for his AN INFINITE NUMBER OF PARALLEL UNIVERSES.

Professional reviews

Fonda Lee won the Willamette Writers Up and Coming Award!

Erin Entrada Kelly will be on a panel at the Brooklyn Book Festival @ 3 p.m. on September 19th. It’s free!

Ann Jacobus’ ROMANCING THE DARK IN THE CITY OF LIGHT has a shiny Publishers Weekly review:

Summer can be bright-eyed and hopeful, her thoughts and dialogue funny, at times, despite the stubborn curtain of despair that hangs over her every move. As Summer struggles with alcohol dependency and contemplates suicide, readers will grit their teeth in the hope that Moony will win the romantic tug-of-war with Kurt in time to help Summer see the light at the end of the tunnel.

Randy Ribay is Geekadelphia’s Geek of the Week.


tessaelwoodTessa Elwood designs sites, breathes da:i, & haunts highways in her dusty baby. Her YA, INHERIT THE STARS, arrives 12/2015 from Running Press.

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